Languages: C#, Python, Java, C, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Bat
Developer Tools: Visual Studio, VS Code, Google Cloud Platform, Android Studio
Technologies/Frameworks: Linux, Jenkins, GitHub, ArcGIS Desktop/Server, ArcFM Desktop, Geo-database Manager,MS VISIO
M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering
BITS Pilani Work Integrated Learning Programmes (BITS)
2021 – Present
Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
2014 – 2018
Working as a GIS Developer in Tata Consultancy Services with and experience over a year. Experienced in programming in various languages. Well versed with ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, Erdas Imagine, GeoServer, AndroidStudio, etc. Working on various GIS projects with offshore clients like PG&E and CEM.
System Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services | 2018 - Present
Designed Architecture for existing workflows to improve performance and functionality
Code migration from TFS to GitHub, GitHub Management by setting protection rules.
Developed module to monitor status of All jobs and their execution timings.
Engineered modules for interaction of GIS Interfaces with 3rd party Interfaces via middle-ware (Layer7).
Built and implemented Password Management Utility to managing passwords in central location with AES 256 Encryption.
- Achieved a ”Service & Commitment Award” by the Office for designing and development of new Workflow.
- Obtained a ”Best Team Award” by the Office for zero defect delivery.
- Managed team of 10+ members and ran weekly meetings with client to show progress & obtain feedback on existing system and new enhancements and to work towards goals of zero-defect product delivery.