

LeetCode Vedant_Sood



Languages: C#, Python, Java, C, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Bat

Developer Tools: Visual Studio, VS Code, Google Cloud Platform, Android Studio

Technologies/Frameworks: Linux, Jenkins, GitHub, ArcGIS Desktop/Server, ArcFM Desktop, Geo-database Manager,MS VISIO


M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering

BITS Pilani Work Integrated Learning Programmes (BITS)

2021 – Present

Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)

2014 – 2018


Working as a GIS Developer in Tata Consultancy Services with and experience over a year. Experienced in programming in various languages. Well versed with ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, Erdas Imagine, GeoServer, AndroidStudio, etc. Working on various GIS projects with offshore clients like PG&E and CEM.


System Engineer

Tata Consultancy Services | 2018 - Present

  • Designed Architecture for existing workflows to improve performance and functionality
  • Code migration from TFS to GitHub, GitHub Management by setting protection rules.
  • Developed module to monitor status of All jobs and their execution timings.
  • Engineered modules for interaction of GIS Interfaces with 3rd party Interfaces via middle-ware (Layer7).
  • Built and implemented Password Management Utility to managing passwords in central location with AES 256 Encryption.
    • Achieved a ”Service & Commitment Award” by the Office for designing and development of new Workflow.
    • Obtained a ”Best Team Award” by the Office for zero defect delivery.
    • Managed team of 10+ members and ran weekly meetings with client to show progress & obtain feedback on existing system and new enhancements and to work towards goals of zero-defect product delivery.